Line Editing
We will edit your text line-by-line for spelling and typos, punctuation, grammar, syntax, word choice, and suggestions to improve the clarity.
$ 30
up to 1500 words
Additional options:
5000 words
10,000 words
We will proofread your text for the following: spelling and typos, punctuation, and grammar.
$ 20
up to 1500 words
Additional options:
Additional options:
5000 words
10,000 words
Editing + Proofreading
We will edit your text according the individual Line Editing plan and, once you have made the desired changes to your text, we will proofread your document.
$ 40
up to 1500 words
Additional Options:
5000 words
10,000 words
DeShawn is an amazing editor!
Experienced writers know to never edit their work solo. The more time we spend with a text, the less likely we are to see the mistakes in it. I write content all day, every day, so, even though I do my personal round of edits, nothing goes to my clients without having first been revised by DeShawn.
Experienced writers know to never edit their work solo. The more time we spend with a text, the less likely we are to see the mistakes in it. I write content all day, every day, so, even though I do my personal round of edits, nothing goes to my clients without having first been revised by DeShawn.
In my line of work, I especially want the developmental editing. The quality of the ideas, the thread of logic, etc., is as important as the grammar and syntax. Book her services with confidence!
Best Choice
Monthly Plans
Best choice for frequent content creators
$ 390
up to 35,000 words
Editing Only
up to 35,000 words
Proofreading Only up to 35,000 words $390/mo
Edit + Proofread up to 35,000 words $780/mo
In-depth Editing
Developmental Editing
We will edit your text for the following: Content and cohesiveness, style and tone according to subject/audience, flow, holes or flaws in the storytelling, and consistency throughout the document.
$ 50
up to 1500 words
Additional Options:
5000 words
5000 words
10,000 words